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Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action – Climate Action Playbook

The fashion sector is a significant source of GHG emissions, and faces growing risks from increasing emissions and the resulting changes in climate, which we outline below. Given the urgency and scale of the climate challenge, in 2018, UN Climate Change convened companies from across the fashion value chain as well as other organizations to align on a holistic set of commitments on climate action including reducing emissions to net zero by 2050. This Playbook is primarily intended for less experienced fashion companies that have not yet taken action on climate change, but want to join the sector to deliver net zero emissions by 2050. For these companies, the Playbook is intended to increase their level of understanding of climate change and provide a roadmap to guide their actions.

In addition to providing basic instructions, the Playbook also includes links to additional resources to help companies develop a GHG emissions inventory and reduction targets, build a strategy to achieve the targets, and identify partner organizations to help in the process. The Playbook will also be valuable for larger and / or more experienced companies - including those with approved science-based targets (SBTs) - as they need to bring their suppliers along on the journey.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: UNFCCC, Textilbündnis
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 72 Seiten
Bezug: Zum Download (PDF-Datei) 

Suchbegriffe: Bekleidungsindustrie, Lebenszyklus, LifeCycle Assessment, Nachhaltigkeit


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